About ACEcelent

ACEcelent Education & Migration is a one-stop education and migration specialist serving you from Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne, Launceston, Bhutan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Taiwan. We are dedicated to help you fulfil your education goals and migration dreams!

NT’s $15,000 Relocation Offer

By |2018-11-09T12:49:48+00:00September 10th, 2018|

The Northern Territory wants to attract more people to live up north and is offering families more than $15,000 over 5 years to move to NT to work in 53 occupations, listed as high priority [...]

Study in Australia

By |2018-12-16T13:43:44+00:00August 26th, 2018|

澳洲是一个多元种族的国家。 倘若有机会来到澳洲, 体验澳洲生活肯定再好不过。在这里升学也是非一般的体验, 老师教导的方式和其他国家也不一样。 这里的老师鼓励思考, 和开放性的 [...]